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About Us

Established in 2009 to address widespread food insecurity in South Africa, FoodForward SA connects a world of excess to a world of need by recovering quality edible surplus food from the consumer goods supply chain and distributing it to community organisations that serve the poor. More than 80% of the food recovered is nutritious food. During the 2023/2024 financial year, we distributed 87 million meals and reached 920,000 people daily through a network of 2,500 beneficiary organisations, across South Africa. We achieved this at a cost per meal of only R0,47, due to the tremendous support from our donors, partners and volunteers.

Our Vision

A South Africa without hunger.

Our Mission

To reduce hunger in South Africa by safely and cost-effectively securing quality food,
and making it available to those who need it.

Our Mission

To reduce hunger in South Africa by safely and cost-effectively securing quality food,
and making it available to those who need it.

What we do

One third of all food produced in South Africa is wasted while millions of vulnerable people are food insecure. FoodForward SA is the largest food distribution organisation in South Africa, alleviating hunger while reducing the environmental impact of food loss & waste by recovering quality surplus food from farmers, manufacturers & retailers to feed vulnerable communities. We call this cost-effective model Foodbanking. FoodForward SA is part of a global movement focused on alleviating hunger and reducing the environmental impact by diverting good quality edible surplus food.

Through our network of 2,500 community organisations, we provide over 920,000 people with access to nutritious meals daily.

Our Footprint

Our footprint is across all nine provinces, ensuring that we are well-positioned to address food insecurity at scale.

Our Beneficiary Organisations

Our network of registered and vetted beneficiary BOs work with vulnerable and at-risk members of society.

75% of our BO’s focus on developmental work such as early childhood development, care for vulnerable women and children, as well as health and skills development.