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Why I Volunteer at FoodForward SA

Janine Azuma is a special needs educator at Ubuntu Academy and a regular volunteer at FoodForward SA. She was drawn to our warehouse in Lansdowne, Cape Town, out of a sense of curiosity. One day as she was walking past, she just “felt the urge” to walk into the warehouse. She introduced herself to the warehouse staff and the rest, as they say, is history. Janine has been a regular volunteer and has also roped in her husband and learners. She’s been kind enough to share her “Why I Volunteer” story.

FoodForward SA (FFSA): What do you know about our organisation?

Janine Azuma (JA): It’s an organisation that distributes surplus food to those in need.

FFSA: When and why did you start volunteering at FoodForward SA?

JA: I started volunteering in March/April this year. I wanted to do something worthwhile for the hungry people in our broader community.  I also wanted to show my students that there is something they can do for those less fortunate than themselves. I wholeheartedly agree with your mission.  We live in a divided society.  It’s admirable that there is such an organisation that is directed towards reducing food wastage by feeding the hungry.

FFSA: How did you hear about our volunteer program?

JA: The facility was built close to my home, and I went there to enquire what it was about.

FFSA: How long do you plan on volunteering with us?

JA: I would like to volunteer with my students at least once a term.

FFSA: What are the causes that you feel most passionately about?

JA: Justice. Trying to do something to help others instead of living in apathy and with complaints.

FFSA: What skills do you want to share with others?

JA: I am an educator for children with barriers to learning.  I want to share practical life skills with them so that they can equip themselves to play a meaningful role in society when they are adults.

FFSA: What quotes do you live by and would like to share with others as motivation?

JA: “Evil flourishes while good people sit by and do nothing.”

Ancient Chinese proverb.

“It’s the little things citizens do.  That’s what will make the difference.”

Wangari Maathai, Kenyan environmentalist.

Best wishes

Janine Azuma

Ubuntu Academy

Thank you so much, Janine, for being such an amazing person and volunteer. You are indeed an incredible role model to your students.

Email to find out more about volunteering at any of FoodForward SA’s nine branches.

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