In an effort to enable the public to join the fight against hunger, Shoprite and Checkers has selected FoodBank SA as the recipient of the #ActForChange campaign, an initiative aimed at raising funds for FoodBank SA and the work that we do to provide food to thousands of hungry South Africans every day.
Since its launch in May this year, Shoprite and Checkers customers have already helped to raise over R152 000 for FoodBank SA, which will facilitate the provision of food for 140 000 meals for the less fortunate.
#ActForChange invites all customers to make a donation to FoodBank SA by adding R5 or more to their purchases at any Shoprite or Checkers cashier point across the country.
The campaign runs until the 17th of July so please consider donating and help FoodBank SA reach even more hungry people this winter.
Check out this video for more about the Shoprite Checkers #ActForChange Hunger Relief Winter Drive.