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FoodBank SA and Shoprite join forces

Thank you to Shoprite for joining us as one of our partners on our quest to nourish the nation.

At FoodBank South Africa, one of our goals is to increase the amount of edible food distributed daily, to ensure that our beneficiary organisations are able to supply nutritious and balanced meals to their beneficiaries. To make this goal a reality FoodBank SA works with caring partners on a national level.

Thank you, Shoprite!

FoodBank South Africa has partnered with Shoprite on a number of initiatives such as the ShareForGood campaign, where Shoprite donated almost 2000 buckets filled with non-perishable food which FoodBank South Africa distributed to communities and charity organisations in need. Shoprite also donated 26 669 kilograms of food which has had an enormous impact in the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people who receive support from FoodBank SA.

Shoprite has also made a generous financial donation towards our FoodBanking platform, an online system that connects beneficiary organisation with suppliers. This new technology will provide a cost effective solution to FoodBanking as it will manage the process of collection and distribution of food to beneficiary organisations.

Thank you to Shoprite for their commitment to making sure more South Africans have access to food.

We hope that inspirational stories like this will inspire others to partner with us as we work towards eradicating hunger in South Africa.

2 thoughts on “FoodBank SA and Shoprite join forces”

    1. Dear Themba,

      Thank you for your interest

      We work directly with community-based organisations to alleviate food insecurity in communities on an ongoing basis. We do not do once off donations to any organisations.

      If you would like to apply to be on our database you would need to apply at the following link:

      Wishing you all the best

      Fayrene Langson

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